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About me

стоян кузманов психолог

Name: Stoyan Hristev Kuzmanov

Education: higher, master psychologist, VTU "St. St. Kiril and Methodius"

Specialization: Gestalt psychotherapy at BIGT - Sofia

Field of work: individual therapy and consultations, couples counseling,

therapeutic work with groups, courses and trainings

Age:  women and men over 14 age

Place of work:  "АтелиеТО" - psychological / therapeutic office, Sofia

Working hours: Monday - Friday / 09:00 - 20:00

                  Saturday, Sunday / according to individual plan

Contact phone: +359 898 731064


Work calendar for the next two months

Check for free time and write down the most convenient for you
on the above contacts or through the site of !
* If necessary , it is possible to hold a consultation / therapeutic session
earlier or later than the hours specified in the calendar!
Thank you for the trust!
Стоян Кузманов
information about me
  • Member of the Society of Psychologists in Bulgaria, number 1786

  • Member of the Bulgarian Gestalt Therapy Association

  • Member of the Bulgarian Hypnosis Association

  • "Psychodynamic interview and basic therapeutic skills" to "Psychodramatic workshop"

  • Mediation at PAMB, entered in the Unified Register of Mediators at the Ministry of Justice since 2016.

  • "Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy" at the Bulgarian Hypnosis Association

  • "Technology of Fear" at the Bulgarian Hypnosis Association

  • "Leading small groups" at the Bulgarian Institute of Gestalt Therapy

  • Facilitator by the method of "Family Constellations" 

Стоян Кузманов
Topics and areas
on work
  • anxiety, aggression, depression

  • stress, fear, phobia

  • panic attacks

  • trauma of loss, separation, death

  • personality disorders

  • emotional disorders

  • obsessive thoughts and OCD

  • dependencies

  • post-traumatic stress

  • loss of identity

  • loss of  meaning

  • problems in partnerships

  • self-knowledge

  • personal development

  • psychological training of staff

Стоян Кузманов
"If we both have one apple and exchange them, we will still have one apple.
If we both have one idea and exchange them, everyone will have two.

George Bernard Shaw
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