Trainings and courses
"The secret to success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of pain and pleasure to use you.
If you achieve this, you will control your life.
Otherwise, life will control you. ”
Tony Robbins
Ко-водещ с Мария Атанасова в бутиков уъркшоп за двойки "Партньорски игри DOUBLE TROUBLE". Специално създаден за изследване на партньорските взаимоотношения в семейни, несемейни или професионални двойки. За подкрепяне на двойките да видят по-ясно динамиката във връзката си (лична или професионална)
и да направят стъпки към взимане на общи решения.
Да осъзнаят слабите и повишат продуктивните страни в комуникирането в двойката.
Creator and facilitator of the experiential workshop for self-knowledge and personal development " From the necessary to the need - self-knowledge for authenticity and happiness" . In a protected space of trust, confidentiality and sharing, we will dive into the depths of known and unknown parts of our inner worlds. We will explore our needs and wants, we will highlight the beliefs we need and do NOT need, we will experiment with our boundaries, the different styles of communication, so important to us to have a greater AWARENESS of our real NEEDS! We will contribute to increasing our authenticity and freedom in self-expression and in communicating with others. We will find answers to questions like "How" and "What" instead of "Why"!
Co -leader, together with Irina Kiryakova, in the group for self-knowledge " The path as meaning - self-knowledge for advanced" . This is a course for people with experience in working with themselves, the goal being through the use of methods from different psychotherapeutic areas to provide each participant with the opportunity to acquire more in-depth knowledge in the field of psychotherapy and psychology. This course is not intended to train psychotherapists. ( Held periodically in Sofia )
Co-leader, together with Irina Kiryakova, in courses " The first 7 steps in Gestalt therapy" organized on the initiative of the Bulgarian Institute of Gestalt Therapy .
This is a course that gives participants the opportunity to experience the power and meaning of Gestalt therapy. This is an experiential course through which a person can gain valuable knowledge about himself through the Gestalt therapy paradigm, as well as take useful tools for coping in life.
( Held periodically in Sofia and Plovdiv )
Creator and facilitator of the boutique experiential training for self-knowledge and personal development " SELF - seeing trip, looking at one's whole self" . The main direction of the training is for the participants to get to know in-depth their models for entering into partnerships, as well as to be able to upgrade your ability to build healthy relationships with a loved one, family, friends and yourself myself.
Develops and organizes psychological trainings and team-building for small and medium-sized companies, departments and enterprises. The aim is to improve the quality of communication between employees and the relationships between them, and individual units (if any), increase their motivation to work, and company affiliation. Team building. Awareness of the needs and requirements of each participant in the training related to the work process, and achieving the best possible results.