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"I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
If not, it can't be helped."

Fritz Pearls



Psychotherapy is a process of purposeful work to overcome the emotional  and psychological suffering of the individual. She  aims to contribute to the common  a person's sense of well-being and ability  to master  his life more effectively, thus positively affecting his  mental and physical health.  During psychotherapy a person gains additional experience with which he can make easier and healthier decisions in his life. Psychotherapy is a path to oneself, a path through which one grows and improves. It is caring for and taking personal responsibility for oneself and one's mental well-being.

Gestalt therapy


Gestalt therapy is a psychodynamic method of work, which creates equality between the client and the therapist. It follows the belief that the therapist is not an authority on the client's life and that the client knows the most correct answers for himself, which he will find with professional help and support from his gestalt therapist. Gestalt therapy is focused on the client's current experience, taking into account his past experiences without focusing there. Gestalt therapy is a meeting of a person with a person, and its goal is through the therapeutic relationship "client-therapist", a person to achieve its maximum complete integrity of body, feelings and mind.


From me

" Being a psychotherapist for me is a vocation and a conscious responsibility!

I can safely say that psychotherapy adds valuable value and deep meaning to my life.


With love and devotion I immerse myself in every work session. I believe and see how the positive results

from our work with my clients are the result of mutuality , connection and trust .

Gestalt therapy is the main psychotherapeutic modality I work with.

It is not just a therapeutic method - it is a philosophy and a way of life.

It is care , meaning and priceless  support  on the path of self-knowledge and self-understanding.

Therapy is a process of  transformation, knowledge and expansion of perceptions and boundaries.

The process of gaining constructive experience and building an overall harmonious  personality of thoughts, feelings and body . "

Стоян Кузманов
Stoyan Kuzmanov


"АтелиеТО"-Психотерапия и консулации със Стоян Кузманов

22 Slavyanska Street

1000 Sofia

"АтелиеТО" - Psychotherapy and consultations

with Stoyan Kuzmanov

Working hours : Monday-Friday 09:00 - 20:00

Saturday / Sunday - individual plan

tel .: +359 898 731064


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Thank you for visiting my site!
At  questions, do not hesitate to contact me!
Sincerely yours, Stoyan Kuzmanov

Стоян Кузманов - психотерапевт
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